Tuesday, August 23, 2011

For those tired of the bullshit in Georgia

Ok, I just went on Brian Kemp's website. Let me see, there is no real way to contact the asshole. But there is a way to contribute money to his campaign in order that he can run again!

Now, my qualifications are that I am a winner of a self-proclaimed "No Bull Peace Prize," and I have the medal to prove it. I paid for it, and it is hanging on my curio cabinet in my living room. I am a Certified Public Accountant in Georgia now since 1990, which of course means very little when most Certified Public Accountants are a bunch of thieving ass bastards who gave banks clean audits in Georgia. Now, you may say wow she is being hard on those in her profession, but unless you are a cave man living under a rock, you should know that we have had about 69 bank failures in Georgia, since 2008! So, I would say that those that passed the banks with clean audit reports should go to prison.

Now, I am also a member of the AICPA, which is the American Institure of Certified Public Accountants, and a member of the GSCPA, which is the Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants. All these entitities are is blood sucking parasites who collect money from Certified Public Accountants to give each other good paying jobs! If they were actually doing oversight, why would be bankrupt in Georgia and in the United States?

Now, I am quite sure I will not get any votes from any other Certified Public Accountants. But I am the right person for those patriots in Georgia who believe in the early "Don't Tread on Me" flag that goes back to revolutionary days!

What do I aspire to, I aspaire or answer first to Jesus Christ, my Bible and my guns! You see people in Macon, Georgia and the entire state of Georgia have royally pissed me off. I was going to try to write a letter to Brian Kemp to demand that I get conpensated for the going concern Certified Public Accounting practice that I had prior to 2008 when people in Bibb County Georgia and God knows what other Counties did a real snow job on me and my private reputation, and destroyed the small business that I have had since 1995. These blood sucking elitist Republicans and Democrats in the State of Georgia have little use for one of the few hones Certified Public Accountants who practiced accounting in the State of Georgia!

Yes, I have pissed many people off, since I started in business:

... A pharmaceutical sales representative who made about $150k a year about seven years ago who owned about $15k in taxes who went back to his house and manufactured enough receipts to allow him to break even on his tax return. Oh his dear wife and mother came to my office and argued with me about how can I accuse the guy of making up the expenses. Well, it was quite obvious when he came up with the made up bills after I told him his tax liablity.

... The arson investigator in Bibb County Georgia, now you would think that type of employee would hold himself out to be an upright citizen. Afterall, one is getting paid to investigate fraud in fires for insurance claims. Oh, this guy built houses on the side, and I did his return the first year. The second year, this guy comes to my office in the midst of the Iraq War when I had my son, Mark Alan Foley, in the Marine Corps, and our soldiers were doing without proper equipment and boots and socks to wear! This guy tells me, now "I am going to claim this one home sale...however, this other home sale is under the table because the people paid for all of their own material, etc... so it all ran through the people I built the home for...so, this contract is under the table." Now, obviously this jack ass had not heard about my reputation as a CPA. I told him "how dare you want to cheat on your income taxes with they type of position you hold....and with our Marines and other soldiers doing without while at war...and you get the hell out of my office and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!"

Now, this is two examples. Oh, I must tell about the truck driver that pulled up in my parking lot about ten years ago, when Kim was my employee. Now, he came in and wanted to prepare taxes his own way! Need I say more, not pay any taxes, at all. I told him that I could not do his return. This asshole stormed out of my CPA office, and we locked the door because we feared he may go to his truck and get a gun. Well, his girl friend came to my door and started beating on the door and we would not let her in. This redneck bitch wanted to beat my ass!

Ok, then there was the write-up tax client who owned a business where he sold inventory. The inventory on his balance sheet was obsolete, but I carried it as is because it was a tax-basis return. Well, he put his business up for sale, and he wanted me to prepare financial statements for the purchaser. I demanded that he do an inventory count and get the obsolete inventory off the books. Well, he got ticked off, and his realtor called me and wanted to know why I refused to prepare the financials. I explained to him that I could not prepare financials with an overstated balance sheet. The realtor understood. However, the old crook came to my office, and walked in when Kim and I were in the back office and demanded I do the financial statements because I was going to cause him to lose a sale. Now, this is how unsafe a CPA's profession is, this guy told me "I have a gun in my truck!" I told him "you better leave my office now or I will call the police."

Ok, now speaking of the police in Bibb County Georgia. This is the most corrupt place one can imagine! I have not been safe in Macon, Georgia now for four years! And I am happy that the FBI is putting 40% of its work force per the "Macon Telegraph" on white collar crime in Georgia. The FBI is going to be going after corrupt Judges and police. Of course, much of the focus is on Fulton County Georgia, but I can attest that corruption is wide spread in Middle Georgia. I would say that a cop not on the take would be rather rare!

I have been a Certified Public Accountant under the name of Linda Jo Foley and Linda Jo Poole, and I would love to see the people involved in the destruction of my business and my personal life prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Now, to my guns. I have owned a 38 special handgun, since 1992. And to show how frightened I have been in the last four years, the first time this gun had a bullet in it and was fired was April 2010! No, shit, it sat in the box with the original bullets in a bag with the receipt from 1992! So, now, I have recently purchase a 380Taurus, as well with two magazines that hold twelve rounds each. I have been to Eagle Gun Range last week to shoot that new gun I just purchased at the Gun Traders Warehouse on Pio Nono Avenue. I was told to keep the springs working best to put no more than ten bullets in the magazine. I wanted something easier to load, and I must say it shoots much better than the 38 special. Out of 15 shots, the first day I bought it last week I hit one in the throat area, about five in the heart area, and at least four others that would darn sure stop someone at 21 feet was what I was shooting. I am sure the police would be happy to know I picked out the official police target to use!

So, if you want a middle-aged female with brains who can shoot a gun, and would make General Lee real proud then you got your woman for Secretary of State. With enough patriots we could clean up this State, and bring back the Constitution and throw the career politicans out, and in prison if we can prove their crimes.

So, I say yeah "go ahead and make my day!" I am tired of this bullshit of "have a nice day!" And Clint Eastwood would barf if he had to hear a bunch of dumb ass Georgians say everyday "have a nice day!" I say what in the hell is nice about it. I mean give me a break, no one has a job, the unemployment rate is 10%, we have a bunck of morons in the Georgia State Legislature, and gee the City of Macon, Georgia is so darn broke, a penny squeals when you spend it at a store!

Oh, and now, the State of Georgia wants to pass another penny tax to pay for infrasturcture, and some of the assholes want to bring horse racing to the State to pay for education! Give me a break. Hell if you went to a horse track for a race in Georgia people would shoot the horses if they didn't win a race! Let us leave horse racing to mainly Louisville, Kentucky. We have enough corruption in Georgia, that we don't need to add another level of cheating and taking pay offs!

Well, I suppose I have pissed off most everyone in Georgia with this bid to run for Secretary of State. Anyone who wants to contribute to my campaign, send me a donation, and I will return it if I do not run. This is an explatory type adventure. Leave me a comment, and I will even sing "I wish I was in the land of Dixie on the telephone for you!" I can't sing very good, but oh would not Dixie be a welcome treat to these assholes who have destroyed the South?

You all think long and hard. And if you want me to run for Governor of Georgia let me know. Whatever the people want! And I could run for Vice President with Ron Paul in 2012! I am open to anything. Now, if you want political correctness you have the wrong lady!

I am 100% opposed to affirmative action!

I am 100% non-interventionist when it comes to meddling in the foreign affairs of other nations.

I am 100% a Constitutionalist!

I am 100% States Rights!

I want to see the TSA elimated!

I want to see the Federal Department of Education elimanted!

Oh, now this is my platform for Vice President of the United States!

I want to see the Environmental Protection Agency elimated!

I want to see The Patriot Act eliminated!

Now, ask yourself how many times have you listened to a politican say that they wanted to get rid of programs. And the interviewer says "well what would you eliminate?" And they get this look on their face like a third grader who has just wet their pants when the teacher calls on them to answer a question.

Now, let me see we need to eliminate the Federal Reserve, too.

And, since, I have found that probably liberals at the IRS have taken part in desroying my CPA practice, I would like to see the Internal Revenue Service eliminated, too. Now, that would be because they are costing us more than any benefits derived from the morons who work there. hint...hint... most of the employees at the IRS are affirmative action employees! You see I tried to get on with the IRS about sixteen years ago, but I was get a white person. Shucks that was just not the right color for the government socialist pigs!

Oh, let me see I once scored a 97, a 98 and a 100 on three clerical exams in the State of Kentucky to work in a State job in 1980 when I live in Louisville, KY. When I called Frankfurt the State Capitol to inquire as to why I was not hired. Now, this when I was just a high school graduate, I graduated in 1973 and did not go to college until I move to Georgia, and I was told "oh Mrs. Foley we have a hiring freeze right now, unless applicants are black!"

Then after I went to college, got my CPA certificate and my MBA in Georgia I applied for a Resolution Trust Corporation Auditor position in 1993 when I was Linda J. Foley. All of my references were called, and I was told that this was a sure sign I would get this GS12 federal job, and I do believe it was GS12. The advertisement in the Atlanta Constitution said that the position required a CPA certificate and an MBA was a plus. Now, actually I was two quarters away from the MBA, but remember it was a plus. Now, why in the hell would auditing failed savings and loans banks be important? I was told by the CPA interviewing me, "Linda you are the most qualified person for this position, however, we received a letter from Washington DC this week, and the letter says that the next auditor we hire must be a minority." So, I said "well, I am a minority, as I am a woman." This retired CPA from what was then a big eight CPA firm told me to think of it like basketball. He told me that if he hired me it would be a two point play, but if he hired a black person it would be a three point play.

Well, as one can read this very truthful account of my past, one could certainly see that no I will not be going to Washington DC for the ceremony for the Martin Luther King Memorial in Washington D.C.! I have had about all I can take of this special treatment of African Americans! And frankly, I don't give a rat's ass about their opinions of me! No one is entitled to a darn thing based upon the color of their skin.

I have a friend that I have known since 1989 who has found proof on the Internet that their were more black slave owners in New Orlenas than their were white slave owners prior to the Civil War. My friend even found evidence of a black man who sold his own daughter into slavery! We white people have been royally screwed in the United States of America, and it is time for people to get their heads out of their asses, and quit allowing the blacks to run over them!

Take care, and God Bless the United States of America!

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